Titans was the flagship series for DC Universe’s new crop of live-action series based on the DC characters. Based on the popular Teen Titans franchise, the series highlighted darker themes and tones than most DC adaptations, which left many fans feeling ambivalent about the series after only the trailer dropped. In this episode we dive deep into the darkness of the series and discuss whether it was warranted for the story or not. We discuss the changes between seasons 1 and 2. We also talk about the characters that they’ve included and those they’ve left out and mention why that might be. We also give our opinions about the best things about the series and what we’d like to see in season 3.
In this week’s five-minute controversy we ask if Patty Jenkins’ comments regarding Diana’s depiction in Joss Whedon’s Justice League will mean that the Snyder Cut version is what will be canon moving forward.
This week Director Faber; Michael; and newcomer, Kelley, join the cast.
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