What is The 42cast?
The late Douglas Adams said that the number 42 was “the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything.” We pay homage to Mr. Adams by saying that The 42cast is “the ultimate answer to fandom, geekiness, and everything.”
What does that mean?
The 42cast is an eclectic round robin show. Most people don’t have just one fandom, and neither do we. In every episode we talk about a new thing that interests us, whether it’s novel, TV show, movie, comic book, or game. We might talk about the hottest new thing to hit stores, or we might talk about an old classic. We keep things fresh by rotating the cast, so that we always have people that really want to talk about whatever we’re going to discuss that week. Sometimes, we’ll vary things up even more and interview some notable figure from the geekisphere.
What kind of show is it?
We’re passionate about our geekdoms, and we’re going to bring that passion to the show. That doesn’t mean that it’s all serious. We like to have fun, and we’re gearing up to make the show as entertaining as possible. We’ll have some different segments on the show like Five Questions, showcasing some cool musical talent, and promoting some other amazing podcasts.
What’s Five Questions?
With our rotating cast, it’ll be hard to get to know everyone. As a fun way of loosening us up and giving you some insight into our interests, we’ve compiled dozens of questions from various outlets in the geekisphere, to gauge where people fall on various topics. We only give them two choices, so they have to pick a side. We use a random number generator to select the questions, so that we can ask the guests. Since it’s random, there’s no way for the guest to prepare, and you’ll get some very candid responses.
How do you contact us?
We can be reached at [email protected]. We’re always looking for feedback on the show. What do you like? What don’t you like? Are there any topics that you want to see us cover? Just let us know.
Anyone else you want to give a shoutout to?
The first person who deserves some credit is Director Mike Faber of the Earth Station One Broadcast Network. The 42cast is a proud member of the ESO Network, and we’d like to thank Mr Faber for having us on board. Another person who deserves a shoutout is Brandon Ellis. Brandon is an amazing composer who stepped in to compose our theme song, Sharper Swords. Check out more of his work at City Fires. ferdk is a youtuber who performs metal covers for various TV series and video games, and who has graciously allowed us to use his music. Also, a major shoutout to Rachele Alexander, who created our logo, web banner, and coat of arms. Check out more of her work on tumblr.